The Psycho Killer Space Jello was created on the planet XernShann by accident. It all started when Professor Sztchenthuwykke (Or Bob as he preferres to be called) was conducting an experiment a little to close to the microwave (a mysterious invention on that planet). He was attempting to make gerbils fly..(Bob wasn't exactly right in the head you see..).. He was attempting to splice gerbil genes with those of burnt toast and jelly fish, thinking that that would help. Unfortuneatly, the gerbils got away. Frustrated, Bob put off his experiments until he could find them. As the breakfast bell rang, He stuck the mess of toast jelly fishes in the microwave, and made some green jello.
After eating, it was time for sleep. (they slept during the day here) The jelly-toast-fish forgotten, he stuck the remaining jello in the microwave, hitting the on button accidently. The microwave, being the powerful and strange item it was rumoured to be, had an odd effect on the things inside it that day, causing the jello to combine with the jelly-toast-fish. The result was highly a intelligent gelatin-like substance which was reflecting every colour known, and then some. Unfourtunatley, it was also demented and deeply disturbed. (Hey, if you were made from green jello, jelly fish, and burnt toast, wouldn't you be?)
..Rushing out of his room at the sound of horrifying screams, Professor Sztchenthuwykke could guess what had happened. 'Damned microwaves,' he thought as all the scientists who tried to contain the new species were eaten and dissolved, painfully most likely, by the insane Jello.
Soon after eating all the scientists, except Bob, the Jello fissioned and produced 11 smaller gelatin blobs. These became the 11 flavors of Psycho Killer Space Jello - Blue, Green, Red, Orange, Purple, Clear, Fruit, Sparkling Grape, the Puddings, and the ever-elusive and mysterious Yellow Jello..
The Jello soon ruled over their home planet of XernShann..