Puppy walked along a weird road watching all the big metal things that went flying past him. He didn't know what they were and he wanted to find out. He tried talking to them - but they didn't respond. They just kept zooming past him. He tried everything he could think of to get their attention - he even danced the sacred pineapple dance while wearing a crown of carrots - but nothing worked. Sadly, Puppy continued walking down the road. A while later, he saw his friend Chicken on the other side. "Hi Chicken!" he called. Chicken waved and ran across the odd road. But, suddenly, there was a weird sound and a screech of tires and Chicken was gone! Where was she? Feathers were floating everywhere. Puppy looked around, but, he could not find her. All he saw were dirty feathers and something mangled, red, and twitching in the road. Puppy called and called out to Chicken, but she seemed to be gone. Since he couldn't find her anywhere, Puppy continued on his way. "lalalala! O' Happy Day!!.." sang Puppy, who, by the way, was a horrible singer.
Then, he saw Turtle slowly walking across the road up ahead. "Hello Turtle!" said Puppy as he ran down the side of the road towards Turtle. "Oh, hi Puppy. Nice seeing you here," replied Turtle. Then, there was that odd screeching noise again and a honk, then Turtle was gone. There was more red stuff all over the ground and what looked like half of Turtle's shell lying by the side of the road. "Turtle?" called Puppy, "Where did you go? You forgot your shell!" Puppy picked up the shell and waved it around. Turtle was still gone. "Ewww!! I seem to have stepped in something icky!" cried Puppy. As he was shaking his paw dry, he failed to notice the eye that once belonged to Turtle looking blankly upward.
A while later and half a mile down the road, Puppy noticed his freind Frog in a lake on the other side of the road. "Hi Puppy," said Frog, "Nice day isn't it?" "Hi Frog! Yes, it is a wonderful day." said Puppy, " Why don't you come over here so we can walk together?" "My, that's a splendid idea, Puppy, I'll be right over," called Frog. Frog had almost hopped across the road when, yet again, there was that screeching sound, and Frog was gone just like Turtle and Chicken. Puppy was confused. He couldn't see Frog anywhere. All he saw was a green splatter and a streak of red in the middle of the road. Where are all my freinds going? Puppy wondered. He couldn't figure it out. My, this *is* an odd road, he thought.
Later, he saw Pigg on the other side. "Hiya Pigg!" he said. "Hello, Puppy," said Pigg, "I'll be right over!" "WAIT!" cried Puppy in desperation, "All of my friends who've tried to come over here allways leave before they get here..I'm coming over there," said Puppy. "Okay," said Pigg,"How about we meet halfway?" "Okay!" said Puppy and he jumped for joy. So, both of them ran out into the road and played happily. They didn't even see the eighteen-wheeler when it hit them. "oowww.." said Puppy. What was that? he wondered. Pigg didn't seem to be here. "Oh, not again!" he whined. After unsuccessfully trying to get up, Puppy found that he could'nt walk. He still hadn't figured it out.. He was dragging himself to the edge of the road when, suddenly, he saw one of the big metal things coming at him. "Hi!" he said, "Wanna play wi---" *CRUNCH* Puppy hurt even more. But, an ever-resiliant young dog, he got back up. "ooohhouch!" he whimpered.
Puppy dragged himself down the middle of the road when he saw the oddest looking metal thing of all coming up in the distance. It has six wheels?! This one is different! This one will be my friend. Puppy smiled, painfully, and waved, even more painfully, to the bus just before it came to him. "Wait..This is a..a Highway!" he looked at a sign by the road. "It is HIGHWAY THIRTEEN!!" he yelled triumphantly!! *HONK* *SCRRRREECHH!!!* *SPLAT*.....................And Puppy was no more.
The moral of this story is..DON'T PLAY ON THE FUCKEN HIGHWAY!
--- By Shade